Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Weekly Comic # 3

After all that drama with the rain and the flood and all, I am up to date with my weekly comics. Thanks to my web goddess Jane, I am now connected to my web page (http://www.pungentbasementart.com/) and I can post some new comics and news whenever I want to. So enjoy and I will not be talking this much for a long time.

Rain Delay

The "Pungent Basenment" studios were flooded last week so I could not keep up with my weekly comic pledge so this is what I had for you...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Comics and stuff updated weekly!

Stay tuned for weekly comics, some updates and more stupid fun from your favorite Death Metal vocalist! Check out more artwork at my webpage http://www.pungentbasementart.com/ and come here for current updates and stuff. If all goes right both this and my webpage will be one and the same very soon. Until then, here is something for you to chew on.

Photobucket Image Hosting

Photobucket Image Hosting