Thursday, September 16, 2010

SPX Pics

SPX was an awesome time. I was lucky enough to see a lot of familiar faces and meet some new people as well. A very special "shout" to Ava Ann & Robert for being awesome con buddies for the second year. The sandwiches were delicious. I got to meet the guy who put together and drew some of the "Henry & Glenn Forever" comics for Igloo Tornado, truly a funny brilliant book. I did a sketch for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, they were asking for donations of Monster sketches for a benefit so I was glad to help out. I did it while watching some bad cable movie in my hotel room. Therefore I missed out on the Chocolate fountain they had at the SPX reception. And finally a big thanks to my table neighbors that I met, Jamie Baldwin and Madeleine Flores, they had unending amounts of energy and kept things lively. I'll be posting up links to all these peoples so check 'em out. And once again...if you are new, feel free to post so I don't feel so all alone.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Thanks to all

The Chicago Comicon was a great success for me this year. Once again I saw some familiar faces along with meeting some new folks. Very gracious all of you. I even was interviewed by Ra's al Ghul.
Anywho the next show is the SPX show in Bethesda Maryland.
Check out some of my photos from the show and I'll keep you updated. If you are new to the blog please say hello.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Listen in

So I did an interview of sorts with my favorite podcasters Eric and Jason @ the SPACE show a couple of weeks ago. This is how it sounds, by the way check out ALL their comic and movie podcasts at

Check out my conversation here:

Oh yea, the picture is something I did for a Jason "Guttertrash" and his "Fantastic Four" project. See the link on the side for more info.

Monday, April 26, 2010

SPACE re-entry

Man that is the best title for a blog update EVER!
The show was great, thanks to all the people (and other) that showed up at my table. Many friends, and many new peeps.
Check out my super-pals over at for complete SPACE coverage, you might hear my girlish voice in the background.
Now I've got that post convention buzz that will get me started working on some new stuff! Until something cool comes on TV and then it'll be all over. Maybe a week tops.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

S.P.A.C.E. this weekend

Columbus Ohio, full of mayhem and murder. As well as the 11th annual Small Press and Comic Expo! I'll be there both Saturday and Sunday.
For more info check out this link:

Come on by and say hello, or screw you, or stop calling me, whatever.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Aftermath

I wanted to thank all that came by to see me at the C2E2 show this past weekend. It turned out to be a pretty fine show all in all. It was good to see old friends and make some new one's as well.
My table was on the aisle right next to a map of artist alley so I took a bunch of pictures of people staring at the map from behind, sort of a concept piece, but I'll put those up soon.
Later this week I'm at the S.P.A.C.E. show in Columbus, Ohio, but more on that later.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

C2E2 this weekend!

I'll be at the awesome new fantastical Chicago Comic Entertainment Expo this weekend in artist alley. Check me out in section I table #1.Show me all the crazy crap that you bought, or maybe tell me how Carrie Fisher smells.

Monday, April 5, 2010

April is Con-a-Riffic!

I'm going to be at two comic shows this month. The highly anticipated C2E2 show in Chicago at McCormic Place April 16-18th, and the always fun S.P.A.C.E. show in Columbus Ohio April 24-25th. If you are in the neighborhood drop on by and say hello.
Although there will most likely NOT be any new One Year in Indiana stuff, I will have a new comic called HURR! It's the brainchild of Joseph Rybandt (from Dynamite Entertainment)and myself and it is a tribute if sorts to 70's sci-fi and fantasy.
It's a good time.
I'll check in later with some more info about C2E2!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fantastic 4 project

It's like going into a empty football stadium and calmly telling the air about what your are up too.
Anyway, I'm doing some extra-credit assignments for some friends and one of them is "The Fantastic Four project", A collection of artists doing one page from Fantastic Four issue # 9. I've got a link to the blog page so you can check it out. But anyway here is a sketch of Namor that I'd did, 'cause in all my time as a comic geek draw-er, I have NEVER drawn Namor. Mostly because he is practically nude. But more on that later.
Anyway enjoy,