Tuesday, December 11, 2012
The 2012 Year in Review Special!!!
It's like when you go to a party, have a good time, and when your buzz is full on... all the booze is gone and you have to go home because its too big a pain in the ass to find somebody to go get more alcohol. That's what the close of this year is feeling like right now. Its was a good time but now it's time to stop for a while. Not all my references are "Booze, Party, Drinking", it just seems that way.
Anyway this year was full of ups downs and some in-between but largely I think that things went pretty well. I think last year I wanted to do a "Year in review" special so lets get that going hmmm? Don't expect that many celebrity appearances.
Conventions in 2012: After thinking that I wasn't getting into C2E2 AND CAKE it turns out that I made it in to both! One was a great success and one was a awful horrible FAILURE! Can you guess which is which? Speaking of Horrible, (god damn that's an awesome segue) I had an fantastic time visiting my second home Cincinnati for Horrorhound Weekend where I started up doing Zombie sketches for buzzed horror/monster fans in the Buckeye state while meeting that guy who always plays dicks in movies like Ghostbusters and Die Hard. A small but awesome show is the now de-funked (but renamed Appleseed Comic Con) Summit City Con in Ft. Wayne. Ah remember when I stopped on the way home from that show and bought a 20 pc chicken McNugget box, and ate the ENTIRE thing? No? Well, that may have happened. I ducked out on Wizard World this year,(due to my services as an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church) and it looks like that may have been a good idea according to my sources. Will I Wizard this year? Who knows?! I took a big ol' jet airliner to Washington D.C. (Steve Miller References? Really?!) and attended the Small Press Expo also known as SPX 2012! Its a solid show that always makes me want to sit and draw for days on end. I got to meet my underground comic hero DERF and get a sketch on a collection book of his "The City" comics. I managed not to make an ass outa myself that time so chalk on up for me. Halloween came and I showed up at the Elgin Monster Mash-Up the weekend before Halloween. Great idea for a show we just need to get a few more people to show up. Maybe next year? I wrap up my year in Conventions with the Days of the Dead show in Schaumburg IL. It was an excellent show with a ton of old friends and new people to meet. I brought my custom painted Corn Holes with me. Yea, I meant it to sound weird and uncomfortable so...yea. I said that I wasn't going to meet any "celebrities" this show but in fact I did the exact opposite. More on that later.
I've got a whole bunch of shows on the calendar for 2013 that I'll let you know about as soon as things come together.
I was a part of
I'm approaching my Indiana stories in a different way this year, I plan on putting together several stories together before I release them. So that means longer waits between books (like that is something new) but the books will be shiny and slick and that's really what people want anyway. So I'll be working on other people's stories here and there and putting a lot more work into illustrations and prints as well as some new ideas for you to enjoy.
The new year also has me dabbling in the world of podcasting. My good buddies and fellow artists from OK-Panic! have a great podcast called Guttertrash that I have sometimes participated in from time to time. Well now I will be doing some on the spot interviews in the coming year. If you want to hear a preview check out Guttertrash.net and look for episode # 208. This goes entirely against what I said last month about me never going to talk to celebrities due to my ability to come off like a massive loser especially if I admire their work. (oh man that Sterenko incident!)
At the end of November I participated in a great event at a bar in Chicago called Atomic Sketch where myself and a whole bar of artists get together and draw whatever comes to mind. There are several of these things around town, but this was my first and hopefully will not be my last. Check out my links for more info.
So there you have it kiddies, 2012 wrapped up in the longest blog post I have ever written. If you want to see some new product check out my ETSY page, and keep in touch on my Facebook & twitter and my blog. Any art requests send me an email and I'll let you know the deal. If you bought any of my stuff this year, thanks. And if you just walked on by well...walk by again and look into my desperate eyes and take pity.
later guys I'll see you in January.
This month's pics are a couple of commissions from the Days of the Dead show, new bottlecap magnets and something from the Atomic sketch party. Oh yea, spot that celebrity.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
November Updates
Holy crap! Halloween is over and we have moved into the fine dreary month of November. Most of my gloomy friends love this month and will probably be cranking out their Souixie and the Banshee, Samhain, and Peter Murphy records. I think that I'll go with Blue Oyster Cult and leave it at that. But enough about my classic rock choices and lets hear about things going on.
I've got two events that I am a part of this month. First off is the FIRST Chicagoland Days of The Dead show in beautiful Schaumburg IL on the weekend of the 16-18th. There are a list of fun guests as usual but the one I look forward to is Lita Ford for no other reason than I had a GIANT poster of her in my bedroom in my young teen metalhead days. I however will not be getting any pictures taken with her because I frequently turn into a dork whenever I meet a "celebrity".(Even the minor ones. No offense Lita.)
The "Sterenko encounter" killed all future signings/photo-ops.
The next thing is a new one for me. I'll be at a Atomic Sketch event with my fine and twisted friends from Cheese Lord comics. At the Green Eye Lounge on November 29th, I'll be setting up shop and doing some drawing requests. Maybe having a few cocktails. There maybe a direct correlation between the amount of cocktails I have, and the quality and quantity of said sketches.
But either way it'll be fun. And a big thanks to Jon Lennon for the invite.
So check out the links for more info and be sure to watch my Facebook page as well.
This month's sketches are a return to "The BLOB project 2012" and some art I did for Bucket of Blood Books and records benefit. go to :http://www.facebook.com/events/496081883765699/ for the deal.
That's it folks,
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
October updates
October is my favorite month of the year and mostly because of Halloween. That's a good thing because I'll be at the ELGIN MONSTER MASH UP on the 26th and 27th. Not only will there be Indie and b-list horror movies but there will be a Zombie lounge, live bands and a burlesque show. Fun for the whole creepy family. I'll be in the vendor area selling my sketch cards, and turning people into zombies. This show I'll have some new monster prints and bottlecap magnets for you to check out. So if your in the area come by and bring me a cocktail.
In other news the new revamped web page will be going down (or is that going up?) soon. I have a wonderful designer but she, like me, has an awful lot on her plate. So stay tuned here and check out my Testie (Etsy) page for new stuff to buy so my kids can have shoes for winter.
This months sketches are Halloween based of course, Angry Pumpkin and the two prints that I'll have at the show next week.
Monday, September 10, 2012
September Updates!
Falling behind on my posts...
September has got me heading out to Bethesda, Maryland to the 2012 Small Press Expo (SPX). I missed last year so I'll have some new (to SPX peeps) comics & art to show. It's always been a great time going out there, the quality & creativity of the books & art really makes me want to run home, lock myself in my basement and draw for weeks.
So if you are in the area on the weekend of 15th, drop on by and say hey.
I am at table * G6A * That's geeee-sixxxxx-eaaaaaaa.
October has me in a Halloween mood so I'll be at the Elgin Monster Mash-up the weekend before Samhain. More on that next month.
Check my links for info on stuff I like. I've been working on some comic stuff that is kinda' top secret in the sense I'm not done with it. But I'm also chugging away on new sketch cards and I managed to make my own SPX promo pic for various social networks.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
August updates!
It's a sure thing that summer is almost over because WIZARD WORLD CHICAGO is here. Sorry to say that after 7 years as a comic creator (something like 15+ years as a common geek) I will not be going to the show this year. I'll be back next year and all will be right with the universe, besides I've still got a couple of shows left for this year.
So if you go be sure to stop by Cheeselord Comics as well as my neighbor from C2E2 Chris from Urbnpop.com.
I got my hotel and plane tix for the SPX 2012 show in September so I'll be working on stuff for that next.
This month more sketch cards featuring a cool devil and a dead hippy...Don't forget to check out ok-panic.net every two weeks to see what mayhem we've got cooking for you.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Vacation Pics?
Bath House? Abandon outdoor theater? Me acting like a Diety with my Deer Minions? All part of a good afternoon.
July Updates & Vacation Pics!
Summer is here and it's a dry wasteland as far as upcoming events. This gives me a chance to start some new projects and continue sketch cards for the upcoming fall season. I'm sorry to say that the CAKE show was a bit of a bust despite the high turnout. Good show but not a good match I'm afraid. Win some lose some eh? (I'm gonna' start using "eh?" a lot more.)
Sometimes I need to share more than just updates on conventions and new art. I'm a person too and I want to show my "softer" side. This month in addition to some new sketch cards, custom painted bean bag games (watch for more of these this fall!) I'm sharing vacation photos from the scariest place on earth:
Deer Forest in Coloma, Michigan. Welcome to Fairytale land, those dead eyes still haunt me.
Monday, June 4, 2012
June Updates-Summit City, Etsy &CAKE!
Last month I set up my table of fun at the Summit City Con in beautiful downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana. This was my second time and it was indeed a great show. I would have loved to gotten there a little earlier so I could enjoy a Tin Cups baseball game & a cocktail, but maybe next year. Zack Kruse really sets up a great show. Nice venue, great town, good people & staff and the most comfortable chairs I have ever had at a comic convention.
KUDOS, and I hope to be there next year! Sorry no pics, I left my camera in the car and I was pretty busy I didn't want to duck out.
Next up for me is the new C.A.K.E. show on the 16th & 17th of June. It looks as though I might only be there on the 16th so come by early! I may have special guests sitting at my table keeping me company, so special I cannot even comment in print,(no it's not my Mom.) so again come by and support the new indie con in town. This will be my last Chicago appearance (short of me appearing at a Jewels or Domicnic's grocery store) until NOVEMBER! Sorry no Wizard World this year.
I have opened up an Etsy store online because Amazon is just too expensive for little ol' me and my tiny book. I'll put up the link on the side. Check it out for all your art and book needs!
Lastly I hope to have a re-vamped website soon, the problem is that I have to finish up some illustrations for it.
This month are some concepts for future monster cards and art for the web page.

Saturday, May 5, 2012
In one week I will be at the Summit City Con in beautiful downtown Fort Wayne Indiana. It's my second time showing and it should be a good time. I'll be doing sketch cards and turning people into the undead upon request.
Along with my usual stack o' stuff I have new stuff! I just received a package from my pal (and fellow ok-panic artist) Jason Young over at Buyer Beware comics. In said package is the newest "Veggie Dog Saturn Special" where I illustrated a story for Jason about his eating habits in Jr. High. No, I'm not joking. Check out my links or just come by the show to get yer hands on his comics.
It also looks like I will be at the CAKE show in June. C.A.K.E. (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo) is a new show right in the heart of downtown Chicago at Columbia College. It seems that space was very limited and I am glad to get in. For more info visit:www.cakechicago.com
I'm re-doing my web site VERY soon so I am busy adding new art and getting together stuff for new galleries. Last but not least it looks like I have stared maybe the stupidest year long project I could come up with: THE BLOB PROJECT 2012. This will be a year long study of the formless mass of Horror film fun & how I can draw him to look cool. Stay tuned!
Until then, come by the Summit City show and say hello.
Monday, April 16, 2012
April 16th C2E2 Update

C2E2, file it away, it's done! I enjoyed the show and the post show cocktails with friends. Good people, good times with good nerds. I have posted the standard rogues gallery of costumes and some more "Zombification" cards & new sketches. By the way while Ghost Rider might be a simple character to draw, he is always something awesome to look at. See you next time with some info on the Summit City show in Ft. Wayne Indiana!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
April Updates

A little late posting my adventures at Horrorhound last month, sorrrry. Anyway I had a great time and I met a ton of people that wanted to be "Zombified" on a sketch card, (see the pics above for some of my victims). It was such a success I'm gonna' keep on doin' it for the other con's I'm going to this year. Look for me this weekend at C2E2 in Chicago and I'll mess up yer face for you.
Speaking of C2E2 I'm going to be at table G4B so come on by and say "hey".This year I'll have a TON of new art and comics for everybody including a NEW One Year in Indiana story!
I didn't think that it could happen but it did. Along with that I'll have a new Ok-Panic sketchbook and some other special appearance comics. Maybe I'll draw you as a Zombie. Do it now before people get tired of Zombies and Zombie shows...it's gonna' happen ya' know.
Look forward to seeing anybody..seriously, if you read this come by the show and say you did so I know that I'm not just yankin' crank over here.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
March 21st updates HorrorHound Weekend .

In one day I leave for beautiful Columbus Ohio to attend my second HorrorHound convention. I have been busting ass to get enough new sketch cards ready for the show as well as some spiffy new signs. This weekend I'll be offering my Monster Sketch Cards for $5.00! I'll also be doing custom cards and "Zombifing" people for the same price. Also my One Year in Indiana collection will be there as stickers, buttons, cups and so on. I'm looking forward to this show and hope to see some freaky stuff (as I did back in November at the Cincinnati horror show). So if you are there stop on by and say hello and I'll take your picture for a zombie card!
More info: http://www.horrorhoundweekend.com/
Thursday, March 1, 2012
March 1st, Creator Owned Day!
Monday, February 6, 2012
February Updates

I am confirmed at the Horror Hound Columbus show ( well they cashed my check ) this March 23-25. I'll be doing the $5 sketch cards as well as "turn you into a zombie(or monster)" sketch cards! Check the link for more spooky info.
More shows to come but I'm working one month at a time so I don't get over-stimulated.
Hey whatdyaknow but STAR #1 is nominated for an award! All this time I was just bullshitting calling it a "award winning" and now here it is nominated for the S.P.A.C.E. Mini-comic/short story category! I can hardly wait to pick out my tux for my walk down the red carpet at the lovely Ramada Plaza Hotel in Columbus Ohio. Or maybe I'll just wear an old t-shirt and soiled pants like everybody else. For more info check out the links.
Big ups to my man Brian John Mitchell over at Silber Media the man who wrote the nominated book (see how I did that?! I can call it nominated!).
This month's sketches are some sneak peeks for the NEW Star book,(that will be available at the HorrorHound show AND S.P.A.C.E. 2012) and a random sci-fi pic that has some color experiments in it.
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