I am confirmed at the Horror Hound Columbus show ( well they cashed my check ) this March 23-25. I'll be doing the $5 sketch cards as well as "turn you into a zombie(or monster)" sketch cards! Check the link for more spooky info.
More shows to come but I'm working one month at a time so I don't get over-stimulated.
Hey whatdyaknow but STAR #1 is nominated for an award! All this time I was just bullshitting calling it a "award winning" and now here it is nominated for the S.P.A.C.E. Mini-comic/short story category! I can hardly wait to pick out my tux for my walk down the red carpet at the lovely Ramada Plaza Hotel in Columbus Ohio. Or maybe I'll just wear an old t-shirt and soiled pants like everybody else. For more info check out the links.
Big ups to my man Brian John Mitchell over at Silber Media the man who wrote the nominated book (see how I did that?! I can call it nominated!).
This month's sketches are some sneak peeks for the NEW Star book,(that will be available at the HorrorHound show AND S.P.A.C.E. 2012) and a random sci-fi pic that has some color experiments in it.
Does that mean you're going to SPACE?
Well, no. But that was going to be a tear filled announcement next month.
Sorry. Didn't realize you had a plan here. If it makes you feel any better, I am tear-filled now.
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