Monday, April 29, 2013
C2E2 report reviews and updates!
It's the Monday after probably the biggest convention weekend that I do and strangely enough I am pretty tired. Mostly mentally really. It's not like I'm one of those guys at McCormic Place that has to disassemble the giant screen and stage or clean the destroyed bathrooms for Gods sake. Hats off to the cleaner of Nerd mess I say.
But I am suffering in a way that only a pasty slightly overweight artistic-type can, so your pity is welcomed.
C2E2 is proving to be a great show that is growing every year and that's great because the Wizard show has evolved into a big sweat box full of sorrow. I was greeted by plenty of familiar faces along with a couple of new folks all checking out what I'm doing.
Fast statistics are as follows:
2- the amount of dicks I drew for people (up from zero last year),
2- references for tattoo artists (one of which was an artist himself),
5- people that asked if I had done any new comics in the past year then I had to tell them no. (that resulted in self shame),
0- times I used the public bathroom (All artist alley members use the executive lavatory, if you didn't know about that well that's a shame.),
2- Female Dr. Strange,
Too Many- people in costume who were WAY too much in Character. (I'm looking at you zombie lady I saw at 10am on Friday the first day of the show)
1- New interview for the Guttertrash podcast.
I'd like to send out much love to all the new folks and repeat customers that stopped by and picked up a few things, welcome aboard and feel free to check out my Etsy store in the links section. Also many hugs for all my friends artistic and beyond for hanging out and amusing me. I'm going to try out adding a soundtrack for each monthly update with some band that I've been listening to or have seen, or will be seeing live. I just saw the band Black Tusk last week at Chicago's Bottom Lounge opening for Kvelertak. This is an old clip but the best quality that I could find. Check out the links on the sidebar for viewing. I have some major beard envy on these guys. Enjoy the random weirdo pics from the show...

Thursday, April 11, 2013
April 2013 UPDATES!
This month's convention news is all about the C2E2 on the 26th thru 28th. Thousands of people from around the globe will be coming to Chicago Illinois for all things that are nerdy and fun. I have a table in artists alley ( Table M15 right next to table M14. ) where I'll have a full 4 foot section to display art, comics, various sketches and fun. The "fun" has yet to be determined so keep your eyes peeled for updates. There isn't much to say about the show, it's huge, there will be a ton of artists/celebrities/stuff and I'll have my tiny island there. Come by and say hello and ask for a sketch or even directions to the cleanest bathroom.
But before C2E2 a show is going on that I will not be attending but I want to mention anyway. On April 13th & 14th The 2013 SPACE show in Columbus Ohio is going on. I have a couple of friends and acquaintances at that show so please go and support Independent Comics like I can't this year. Look for these folks for good conversation and great products:
Silber Media
Jason Young and Buyer Beware Comics
Eric Adams
Derf Backderf
Mark Rudolph
This month's pics are a Hellboy sketch (I'll have random hero-ish sketches at the table this year) and a work in progress.
See you next month,

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