The convention season is continuing with this month's show in beautiful and mysterious Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Appleseed Comic Con (re-named from Summit City) is a one day show on Saturday May 11th and has always been a good time with good people and good chairs. I don't think I can stress this point strongly enough, when you need to sit and draw at a convention you need a good goddamn chair. I have left conventions with my back and neck seizing up with violent spasms (I'm looking at you Wizard World and your sub-par seating choices!) so bad that I was forced to whine about it for days. But anyway back to the show. Appleseed Comic Con is truly a well run show with courteous and helpful staff who treat Artists like the Gods that they think they are. Can I say anymore? How about take the road trip to see some great artists that will be in a good mood because of the show. This is the last show for me until the end of July where I'll be visiting Kentucky. More on that Later. In that free time I'll be catching up on much procrastinated comic art for many people including me. If you are new here please check out my ETSY store (Link on the side). While I try to keep up with everybody I have added another social media to my list, Instagram. There you can see me post pics and sketches a little more frequently. Feel free to make a no-obligation request for any random monster sketches. That's it for now folks,
This months music choice will be Ghost(B.C.). I'll checking out these dudes in Milwaukee, (thanks Lollapalooza for keeping bands like this outa' Chicago so everybody will go see your stupid overpriced festival!) (Bitter old man talking here.) next week. So enjoy this video.

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