Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Summer 2013 Updates & News.
Howdy folks, by now I am hoping that most (or anybody really) is now going to my re-vamped web page where all my updates will be from now on. But in case you don't know, now you do. I will keep this page mostly because I am lazy and really it takes up no space. So absorb this message and move on to: www.pungentbasementart.com for new art, updates, and music.(?) I'll keep the links on the side to things I like so feel free to check out my friends stuff. Thanks to the millions of no one who commented or communicated with me on this page.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
May Updates
The convention season is continuing with this month's show in beautiful and mysterious Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Appleseed Comic Con (re-named from Summit City) is a one day show on Saturday May 11th and has always been a good time with good people and good chairs. I don't think I can stress this point strongly enough, when you need to sit and draw at a convention you need a good goddamn chair. I have left conventions with my back and neck seizing up with violent spasms (I'm looking at you Wizard World and your sub-par seating choices!) so bad that I was forced to whine about it for days. But anyway back to the show. Appleseed Comic Con is truly a well run show with courteous and helpful staff who treat Artists like the Gods that they think they are. Can I say anymore? How about take the road trip to see some great artists that will be in a good mood because of the show. This is the last show for me until the end of July where I'll be visiting Kentucky. More on that Later. In that free time I'll be catching up on much procrastinated comic art for many people including me. If you are new here please check out my ETSY store (Link on the side). While I try to keep up with everybody I have added another social media to my list, Instagram. There you can see me post pics and sketches a little more frequently. Feel free to make a no-obligation request for any random monster sketches. That's it for now folks,
This months music choice will be Ghost(B.C.). I'll checking out these dudes in Milwaukee, (thanks Lollapalooza for keeping bands like this outa' Chicago so everybody will go see your stupid overpriced festival!) (Bitter old man talking here.) next week. So enjoy this video.

Monday, April 29, 2013
C2E2 report reviews and updates!
It's the Monday after probably the biggest convention weekend that I do and strangely enough I am pretty tired. Mostly mentally really. It's not like I'm one of those guys at McCormic Place that has to disassemble the giant screen and stage or clean the destroyed bathrooms for Gods sake. Hats off to the cleaner of Nerd mess I say.
But I am suffering in a way that only a pasty slightly overweight artistic-type can, so your pity is welcomed.
C2E2 is proving to be a great show that is growing every year and that's great because the Wizard show has evolved into a big sweat box full of sorrow. I was greeted by plenty of familiar faces along with a couple of new folks all checking out what I'm doing.
Fast statistics are as follows:
2- the amount of dicks I drew for people (up from zero last year),
2- references for tattoo artists (one of which was an artist himself),
5- people that asked if I had done any new comics in the past year then I had to tell them no. (that resulted in self shame),
0- times I used the public bathroom (All artist alley members use the executive lavatory, if you didn't know about that well that's a shame.),
2- Female Dr. Strange,
Too Many- people in costume who were WAY too much in Character. (I'm looking at you zombie lady I saw at 10am on Friday the first day of the show)
1- New interview for the Guttertrash podcast.
I'd like to send out much love to all the new folks and repeat customers that stopped by and picked up a few things, welcome aboard and feel free to check out my Etsy store in the links section. Also many hugs for all my friends artistic and beyond for hanging out and amusing me. I'm going to try out adding a soundtrack for each monthly update with some band that I've been listening to or have seen, or will be seeing live. I just saw the band Black Tusk last week at Chicago's Bottom Lounge opening for Kvelertak. This is an old clip but the best quality that I could find. Check out the links on the sidebar for viewing. I have some major beard envy on these guys. Enjoy the random weirdo pics from the show...

Thursday, April 11, 2013
April 2013 UPDATES!
This month's convention news is all about the C2E2 on the 26th thru 28th. Thousands of people from around the globe will be coming to Chicago Illinois for all things that are nerdy and fun. I have a table in artists alley ( Table M15 right next to table M14. ) where I'll have a full 4 foot section to display art, comics, various sketches and fun. The "fun" has yet to be determined so keep your eyes peeled for updates. There isn't much to say about the show, it's huge, there will be a ton of artists/celebrities/stuff and I'll have my tiny island there. Come by and say hello and ask for a sketch or even directions to the cleanest bathroom.
But before C2E2 a show is going on that I will not be attending but I want to mention anyway. On April 13th & 14th The 2013 SPACE show in Columbus Ohio is going on. I have a couple of friends and acquaintances at that show so please go and support Independent Comics like I can't this year. Look for these folks for good conversation and great products:
Silber Media
Jason Young and Buyer Beware Comics
Eric Adams
Derf Backderf
Mark Rudolph
This month's pics are a Hellboy sketch (I'll have random hero-ish sketches at the table this year) and a work in progress.
See you next month,

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
HorrorHound Weekend Cinncinati UPDATE
Just got back from the great state of Ohio, (I avoided the onslaught of snow and traveled when it was safe) and I've got some photos and stuff from the weekend. Two things I'll take away from this show; 1) it was fun and I wish the snowstorm had not pretty much killed the show as far as attendance goes on Sunday, 2) The Walking Dead is way more popular than even I thought. Waiting four hours to see Norman Reedus is "comic fan mania" people, it's not attractive. Friday & Saturday were really insane as far as the amount of people there to get autographs. I don't know or want to speculate on how/why certain things went down or if those things affected the vendor area. But I really think that there were more people there for autographs/photos with their favorite actors than were interested in buying pictures that I drew of monsters. That being said I had a good show and saw some familiar faces and met some new people too. I'll make plans to join everybody in Indy this September.
In the downtime on Sunday I managed to get about six interviews that you can here on the Gutter Trash podcast in the coming months. Speaking of Podcasts I am also featured in a quick interview/discussion about this past weekends show with my tablemate and host of Gutter Trash Eric Shonborn. Check my links for a way to hear everything. The only thing I wish we discussed was the amount of times we heard "Bad to the Bone" over by the "Christine" exhibit. Rent the movie and you'll understand.
And lastly all my prints will be on my ETSY page by the end of this week (March 29th) so check it out!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
March Updates
Meteorological spring is here and we shall all rejoice with sacrifices to celebrate the death and rebirth of Attis, the god of vegetation. On a lighter note,
this month starts off my biggest convention season yet with six shows planned (four confirmed, and two hotels booked). I have been working overtime like Randy Bachman to get all the stuff ready for the first show this month...Horrorhound Cincinnati! I've got new prints, framed art and of course sketch cards that I am still working on as we speak. I now take CREDIT CARDS at my table so there is no excuse for not buying anything. I will be joined by my main man Eric Shonborn at the table this year so please come by and and say hello and stroke our fragile arty egos. Also, I'll be staring up my "One question" interview segment for the Guttertrash podcasting network at this show so if you check out the Horrorhound site you'll see what weirdos I can choose from. My Etsy store is being filled up with stuff this month so if you can't make the shows you can still buy for the spring season sacrifices.
My new prints are limited runs of local sport team logos that I've made too look like the undead or infected. I've posted a few for you to check out and they will be in the store by the end of this month.
If my train is on time I'll get to work by nine on the newest installment of the STAR mini comic (yea more classic rock references jammed in there for no reason)
so maybe it will be done by April other wise I'll let it ride.
See you next month with wacky photos from this show and a preview of the C2E2 show, until then...

Thursday, February 7, 2013
New Year-February 2013 Updates!
There have been many times in 2012, when I have annoyed you, distubed you, irritated you, and bugged the hell out of you....today I just wanna tell you I plan to continue in 2013!- I stole that from the internets because I am unable to say sentimental whitty things...
First lets start of by saying that issue #2 of the comic "STAR" I worked on with the great Brian John Mitchel (of the Silber Media empire) was nominated for best mini comic... AND LOST for a 2013 S.P.A.C.E. award! Instead of Daniel Day Lewis, I am...hmmm maybe Joaquin Phoenix??? More STAR stories from Silber Media are on the way, they are in fact probably some of the only comic stories I'll be doing this year. If you want to see Brian John Michel and his comics be sure to go to Ohio for the S.P.A.C.E convention. Check my links on the side an' you'll get more info.
Next up for me is the Cincinnati Horrorhound Weekend March 22-24th where I'll have a bunch of new art, prints, and various other goodies. I will be continuing my second career as a podcasting reporter for the Guttertrash podcast so stay tuned. If things work out I hope to be joined by Podcaster, illustrator buddy, Ok-Panic artist, & Ohio native Eric Shonborn! He'll be selling sketches and maybe I'll tell everyone that he is a part of the "Pungent Basement Empire" and is my employee. Welcome to the company Eric! I have a link to Eric's web page and while you are there you can see his new year long (maybe longer?) Sketch a day project! Feel free to give requests, the more obscure the better! Along the same lines as requests; Ok-Panic the now Monthly themed art project is taking requests for themes! So give us your ideas and maybe we'll draw it. Maybe.
I'm still doing commissions , $25 for a color 6x8 and $50 for 9x12's, see my Facebook for pics.
So check out my links this month, My brother who also is a frustrated musician/artist ( it runs in the family...frustration that is.) has an Etsy page for his original art. I would suggest checking that out. Eric Shonborn, Silber media and S.P.A.C.E. will be up there as well. Spread the love folks, there is always more to see and learn!
This month's pics are some new monsters for bottlecaps & buttons, my Svengoolie commission, and some other random crap.
-Later folks,
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